When should you visit a CBT Therapist?

Therapy can be a scary word for some people and there can be a view that “only screwed up and mentally ill people need therapy”. I used to subscribe that too and so rejected therapy as something only for those who have “serious” mental health problems and a waste of money for my situation. Oh how misguided a man can be!  Over the years, and especially in the last 12 months, I’ve changed my points of view about therapy and am of the view therapy can provide immense emotional relief, allowing individuals to find a sense of clarity and empowerment as they process their thoughts and feelings in a supportive setting. It can also offer insight into better decision making, communication skills, and lifestyle management. 

Many people are unsure when it’s time to find a CBT therapist or counselor. In this blog, I will explore briefly the signs that indicate it may be time to consider therapy.

Everyone experiences feelings of sadness, loneliness, and stress. But if you find yourself overwhelmed by negative emotions and you feel like you do not know how to cope with them, it may be time for you to seek professional help. Here are some signs that it may be time for you to have some sessions with a CBT therapist:

Excessive Anxiety or Depression  

When your anxiety or depression is impacting your motivation to undertake even the most routine and ordinary self-care activities and the quality of your day-to-day life, it could be a sign that you need some professional help. A CBT therapist can help you find ways to cope, build resilience, become more energised and inspired, and find more balance and happiness in your life.  

Difficulty Coping with Stressful Life Events  

If you find yourself struggling to cope with a divorce, loss of a job, or death of a loved one, a CBT therapist can help you find strategies to manage and navigate the stress of the situation. They can also provide support and guidance when facing difficult decisions.  

Turning to Unhealthy Habits to Cope  

Are you turning to unhealthy habits like alcohol or drug use, overeating, gambling, or overexercising to cope with difficult emotions? These are signs that it might be time for professional help. A CBT therapist can help explore your thoughts and beliefs about your situation, challenge and reframe negative thinking, and offer alternative coping skills that may be more beneficial for your well-being.  

Unhealthy Conflict in Your Relationships  

If you find that you and your partner are stuck in an unhealthy loop of criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling, talking with a therapist may be beneficial for both individuals involved. From dealing with everyday stressors to working through complex issues, the right CBT therapist can help couples develop healthier communication patterns and find peace within their partnership.  

You Suspect You Have Symptoms of a Mental Health Problem 

There’s a huge range of mental health problems—and symptoms that accompany them. From hearing voices no one else hears to experiencing moments of sheer panic for no particular reason, you’ll likely know when something doesn't feel normal for you. Sometimes, however, people don’t seek help because they’re embarrassed. And often, people don’t understand their symptoms or why they can’t change their behaviour.  Mental health problems are treatable, however. And the sooner you talk to someone, the sooner you may be able to start to feel better. Keep in mind you’re in charge of your treatment. You get to decide what you talk about and explore in therapy. 

You Are Having Difficulty Regulating Your Emotions 

Uncomfortable emotions, like anxiety and anger, can be tough to manage sometimes. And while you might have some emotions handled well, there may be one or two that seem to get the best of you more frequently. A CBT therapist can help you discover the specific anger management techniques that work for you. Or they could help you practice anxiety reduction strategies that help you feel better faster. No matter what emotions you’re struggling with, a CBT therapist can help you develop a plan to ensure your emotions serve you well.

You Want to Change Unhelpful Thinking Patterns 

Everyone experiences cognitive distortions sometimes. These are the untrue thoughts that can be tough to eliminate. Maybe you always believe the catastrophic predictions you make. Or perhaps you always let your self-doubt talk you out of doing things you want to do. Perhaps your unhealthy thinking patterns involve the harsh self-criticism you give yourself that you would never dream of giving anyone else. Rather than be kind when you make a mistake, maybe you call yourself names and put yourself down.The conversations you have with yourself matter. And the way you think will affect the way you feel and how you perform. A CBT therapist can help you develop a healthier inner dialogue which can make the rest of your life much more fulfilling and enjoyable.

You Want to Increase Your Self-Awareness 

Do you ever wonder why you do the things you do, like break up with a partner who seems good for you or say inappropriate things when you’re nervous? A CBT therapist can help you discover the reasons for your behaviours. They  can also help you learn about the patterns in your life, like your thinking patterns or your relationship patterns. You also might discover the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back in life like believing you aren’t smart enough to succeed. Maybe you struggle to get your intentions across in a helpful way. A CBT therapist can help you take a step back and review the types of patterns that keep repeating in your life. Then, they can give you tools and support you in finding ways to help yourself break free from the ones that are not serving you well.

You Are Struggling to Reach Your Goals 

From weight loss goals to financial goals, there are lots of things that can stand between you and your success. If you’re struggling to overcome the obstacles in your way, a CBT therapist may be able to help you gain clarity about what you want, explore the beliefs and thoughts that are inhibiting and limiting your achievement of your goals, and help and support you in finding ways that work FOR you to make gentle, steady progress towards your aims in a more easy and enjoyable ways.


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