Change most often does not happen overnight… it’s a process

Quick fix, get rich quick, change on a dime - they're all ways that people will often use to try and sell you their products and services.

I used to buy into it.

This will change my life! Everything will change in an instant. This is the solution I've been looking for. This is the "gamechanger" that will make everything easy.

All sounds great. And of course, it's meant to. To invoke those feelings of 'THIS IS IT!' to get you to part with your money.

This is not to say these things are not possible... It's just not always (and often) the case.

Change and healing is a process. It can take time, patience, and gentleness with ourselves.

We may make initial fast and far strides... then things can seem to slow down or even seem like they've stopped. When that happens - KEEP GOING!

Before assuming things have stopped ask : Has this stopped or is it just moving more slowly right now?

When climbing Mount Everest you don't do it one march. You climb to reach the next plateau and take a rest, then climb again.

It's easy to get frustrated with it all being a process I know. Wanting to give in to feeling frustrated and helpless and go into telling yourself "things will never change".

When you notice yourself doing this, no matter how often, STOP. Breathe it out. Let it go. Bring your attention back to your goal and why you're aiming for it. Take a break. Make peace with and find pleasure with where you are. Then, when you're ready, get going again.

Every day, another gentle step forward. And if you step back sometimes, recognise that that's OK. It's all part of the dance of life. We get to dance forward again, and even in another direction.

Every day, another 1% towards your goal. After 100 days, you're 100% forward from where you were to where you want to be.

Keep going. You've got this. And remember, very rarely will a quickfix or change-on-a-dime sales ploy be effective except to get you to part with your money.


Making self kindness a daily priority


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