What if changing your life doesn’t have to be that hard?

I get it. When we realise something in our life needs changing it can feel scary, impossible, and hard work.

  • Scared in case it all goes horribly wrong.

  • It's been that way for so long it just seems impossible to change it.

  • It can seem like it will be much harder work and more painful changing it than living with what is.

What I've discovered over the years is that things don't have to change overnight. Day by day, choice by choice, action by action, our life can shift. The more we keep choosing the direction we really want to go in, the easier it can get.

It's a bit like learning yoga for the first time. I watched other people around me going the poses and saw how flexible and supple they were... and I looked at my clumsy approach and inability at that point to even touch my toes let alone relax into that position.

One of my biggest unhelpful choices there was to compare where I was with others in the group who had been doing it for a long time.

Comparison can be such a killer when it comes to changing our life. Thinking our life has to look like theirs. Thinking we have to be as good as we've decided they are. Thinking we have to do it like them. Thinking we have to have what they're having exactly as they're having it.

Don't get me wrong, watching what other people choose and create in their life can be a great inspiration for us. It can show us other things we didn't realise were available and possible. The way we work against ourselves is when we try to emulate and copy them exactly.

Instead of doing that, what if instead we look at what others are creating that seems to excite us and ask "how can I have/do that in my way?".

Having a life that lights you up may look absolutely nothing like what someone else chooses. And that's OK.

  • It's OK to be different.

  • It's OK not to want the things others do.

  • It's OK to enjoy different things.

  • It's OK to do what works for you.

So when you start choosing something different:

  • What if it really can turn out brilliantly?

  • What if changing it up is not impossible or insurmountable?

  • What if it's actually a lot easier to change what you currently have?

  • What if... it could actually be fun, inspiring, exciting, thrilling, and so worthwhile?

What if all it takes, is taking one step today in a different direction? And what if, every day, you take another step - no matter how big or small?

Just 1% of change a day for 100 days... and you have 100% of change from where you were.

You're a lot more courageous, brilliant, and capable than perhaps your thoughts have had you believe.

Is now the time to change them up?


How can I unstick myself from feeling stuck!


How to let go…